At our clinic we believe in saving teeth instead of removing them, whenever possible. This ensures patient satisfaction with a healthier, natural smile. Root canals can help accomplish this by dealing with the pain directly at its source while restoring tooth integrity and increasing strength.
What is a root canal?
A root canal is needed when the nerve of a tooth becomes irritated or infected. Bacteria can grow within the tooth, often associated with an onset of pain and swelling. There may or may not be significant tooth decay present. Root canals are often caused by physical trauma, physical irritation (such as tooth decay), and severe gum disease.
What is the procedure like?
There are generally two appointments for a root canal treatment. The first appointment involves treating the tooth with an anesthetic. A cover is then placed over your mouth with an opening to expose the tooth and help to isolate the area being treated. Next, an opening is made through the crown of the tooth. The inside of the tooth is cleaned, and medication is placed within the tooth before it is temporarily sealed.
During the second appointment, the temporary seal and medication are gently removed. The tooth is then filled down to the roots. This helps to strengthen the tooth to some degree, but optimal strength is only achieved when a post is inserted. This is an optional part of the treatment and it is the patient’s decision whether they want it to be placed or not.
Are there any post-treatment precautions or measures?
Yes, there are a few things to consider after you have had root canal treatment. Teeth that have had root canal treatment are generally weaker than normal teeth and are thus susceptible to fractures. To protect these teeth, it is recommended that a crown is placed. This will help ensure that your tooth maintains its integrity and strength.